Early this month we took a small group of children to Corstorphine Kindergarten to watch their dress rehearsal for PolyFest.... what a colourful performance by so many enthusiastic children (and adults) We then shared 'kai' with everyone and spent a short time exploring their kindergarten and meeting new friends before returning to our place. Thanks so much to the teaching team at Corstorphine for inviting us.
Rugby World Cup is capturing the interest of many families/whanau and of course the children as well. 'Rugby matches' are a regular event - with friendly rivalry between our 'All Blacks' and 'Australia' (in the yellow and green jerseys). Flags, rugby balls, banners, posters, photos, world maps, 'clappers,' programmes, clothing, souvenir books and lots of discussion all add to experience along with learning about the different countries taking part in this memorable event.
Thanks for the Rugby BBQ and games afterwards - lots of fun for all!