Monday, May 17, 2010

Friday 14th May

This term there has been a strong focus on recycling at kindergarten. Three large colourful recycling bins were purchased at the beginning of term, these have since been labelled as cardboard, paper and mixed recyclables. We are trying to re-use much of this in the programme with the remainder being put out at the gate in our blue recycling bin. We have been talking a lot with the children about what it means to recycle and why we should recycle. We are also using coloured containers at the lunch table, one for food scraps, one for yoghurt pottles and the other for general rubbish. The children are already very familiar with these often reminding one another what goes where. Our bokashi is again up and running and we have been making recycled paper also. Dramatic play has been a prominent feature in all areas of the programme over the past few weeks. From fire fighters to super heroes the children demonstrate vivid imaginations and have been using various tools and props in the environment to support their play. With all of the desktops in good working order the children have been actively engaged in ICT. We are also beginning to use skype to communicate with others, this is something new for the children. Last week whilst skyping a class at Fairfield Primary the children were more excited about seeing their own reflection in the video window than they were about who was on the other end of the video, very amusing. All-in-all it's been a busy few weeks!

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