Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fly, fly...butterfly

On Thursday our numbers trebled with the arrival of Concord School children, staff and helpers for morning tea and to spend some time with us as part of their 'Big Day Out!' After feeling a little apprehensive as to how it would go, we were delighted with the outcome as children mingled together, chatted, showed each other around, shared activities and learning experiences and all in all had a fun time. In fact some of our children with older siblings visiting were reluctant to say 'Goodbye.' We hope to foster this relationship further with senior school children visiting us on a regular basis to share further learning. There is great excitement this week as the first 3 butterflies (kahuku)hatch from their cocoons/chrysalis....what a fascinating experience for us all as they emerge, stretch and slowly pump up their wings eventually building enough strength to make those first tentative attempts to fly. Eventually they are off, fluttering over the bushes to explore their new world. What a fabulous learning opportunity - witnessing the complete life cycle of the monarch.. .....egg > caterpillar > cocoon > butterfly!

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